This image was taken with the Sony a7R-II(m) “monochrome.” This image is nothing more than the jpg from the camera, not converted from the RAW file. Little post processing was done other than a gentle tone curve and some sharpening. The size of the image below is 1170 x 778. To see the image at its full resolution of 2742 x 1823, click on the image, (and perhaps again if your cursor has a +).
Click HERE to download the file converted by using Monochrome2DNG.
Click HERE to download the Sony RAW file.

This is an image of a Bayer CFA stripped a7R II sensor shot on a phase contrast microscope. The pixels are apparent on the right, and the insensitive border on the left. The horizontal dots are part of the phase contrast focusing system, and the processor ignores them during capture. This sensor has 42 Mega Pixels, and produces very fine detail. It may even surpass some B&W films in detail resolution.